Monday, April 1, 2013

Building My Bucket List

We were watching Parks and Rec tonight (shocking) and the crew mentioned bucket lists.  Andy had some awesome things on his list like going to the Grand Canyon and being an action star and making the best grilled cheese in the world. Watching all that, I realized that I have never really written down my bucket list items.
Here's what I've gotten so far
Visit Antarctica
Run a Marathon
Swim with Whales
Drink French Wine in France
Spoon a Baby Tiger
Go to Lollapalooza
Cliff Jump (May or may not get vetoed by the Baconator)
Swim Under a Waterfall
Become Fluent in Two Languages
Ride a Motorcycle Solo
Take a Private Jet Ride
Spend a Summer Getting Really Tan
Throw a Dart at a Map and Travel Wherever it Lands
Make a Perfect Souffle
Climb Machu Picchu
Go Fishing in Alaska
Have a beautiful and happy family

What's on your bucket list?

Love and Bacon,


  1. The top of my bucket list is to publish a book! I don't know what about yet...

    I have a lot of travel related to-do's as well, since I've only been out of the country once, for our honeymoon in the DR.

  2. I love the book idea! From reading your blog, I'm sure you'd make a fantastic author!

  3. I loove your bucket list! Lots of those are on mine. I also want to earn a PhD, learn to appreciate wines, learn to make macarons, go to all of the national parks... Oh man, the list goes on and on! My husband and I wrote down all of our bucket list items in a book, and we attach a photo each time we accomplish one of them.
